Grant McCracken is running an essay contest, starting today at 2pm over at his site. The topic is juicy: Kim Kardashian and Lena Dunham, Compare, contrast, explain.
The contest is described as a test of your knowledge:
"Who are Kim Kardashian and Lena Dunham? As young American celebrities, they are conspicuous parts of popular culture. They express trends already in motion “out there.” This makes them cultural “effects.” But they also shape and clarify things that are beginning to emerge. This makes them cultural 'causes.' Who are these women and what do they say about our life and times? What are the causes (trends, events, developments) of which they are effects? And what are the effects (trends, events, developments) of which they are causes? What shaped them, what are they shaping? Review them, please. At the very least we are looking at very different visions of femaleness. Give us the what and the how. And the why."
The rules are: no ridicule, and 1000 words. Your essay will be evaluated by some venerable judges:
Caley Cantrell, Brand Center, Virginia Commonwealth University
Noah Cruickshank, AV Club
Janet Kestin, Swim
Leora Kornfeld, Harvard
Adrian Ho, Zeus Jones
Ruby Strong, Lord Byng
Nancy Vonk, Swim
And you can win a Minerva prize and statue! Don't wait for 2pm, start now.