This site is awesome. It represents an actually-useful CitySearch (if you can even imagine that), and best of all, it's filtered by mood (energentic, hungover, manly, etc). Like, who cares what are the highest rated bars around (or, for that matter, what's the half-way meeting spot) if you are not *feeling* it? Other reasons for its greatness: it's a collaborative effort; there's a possibility of finding out something hidden/new; a serendipity of discovery; and targeting recommendations by something truly relevant: your mood (finally!). Also, there is something else: a truly personal (private?) component of the whole reviews thing. The spots we put in remind us of a specific event in our own life that happened there. So it's a bit of adding a personal history to the city [which, in fact, always happens, but is also almost always invisible]. I really dig it. Bonus: the design is really simple + the look & feel (mood?) is just right + it's super easy to edit the map (as with most google mash-ups). p.s. I added a romantic spot :) (yes, I am such a girl; and no, it did not work out - but the place is still romantic). The site is still in beta, so suggestions are not exactly abundant, but i can see it being totally useful once it gets crowded...