Judging by its look & feel, the only thing missing from this picture is a unicorn. Otherwise, Razorfish's FEED Consumer Experience Report would be a perfect fairytale. [and by fairytale i mean something that has nothing to do with reality]. Think for example the FEED's "finding" that 22% of the respondents use Twitter, or that 40% of them said they made purchases due to seeing ads on social networking sites (A question: how come that the agency with a strong media buying capabilities is allowed to run a survey confirming that people click on ads? oh, never mind). Last time I even noticed an ad on Facebook, it was offering me the service at Park Avenue United Methodist Church and to "never shave again" (no, I haven't clicked on either). I got somewhat entertained by Brandon Geary's contribution "More Value for Your Message: Advertising as a Service", where he lauds Nike Human Race [Fiasco] as an "event that provides a real service." Sure it does - for Nike. For runners, not so much. Speaking of Nike Human Race, seems that ebooks are making their major, and let's just hope, final comeback: R/GA has just released a compilation of glossy photos from its Human Races - truly amazing and inspiring images, page after page. Can be customized, too. Do they have much to do with the reality of the Human Races? Probably as much as the FEED report has to do with the actual consumer experience.